by wannapaint_admin | Jan 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
Here’s what you’ll need.
- Stencil
- Sample board (paper, Cardboard)
- Craft Paint.
- Foam roller – paint tray.
- Painter’s tape (masking tape)
Getting started
Very important: Work out your technique and colour combinations on a sample board first. It’s always a good idea to make a sample first. A Old pizza box works great as a sample surface. Make sure you like your color combinations and are comfortable with your stenciling technique.

Step 1:
Apply your first coat and make sure it is color and make sure it is dry prior to stenciling.

Step 2:
Position your stencil on the board, and tape it to the board with a few pieces of painter’s tape (masking tape).

Step 3:
Now pour some craft paint into your paint tray. You don’t need much, 2 tablespoons of paint is enough to start with? Have your dense foam roller ready.

Step 4:
Load your foam roller by rolling it over the paint a few times until it absorbs most of the paint.

Step 5:
Now blot off the excess paint on a folded paper towel by rolling it back and forward. There should be no visible paint on the roller surface. Remember it’s better to have less paint on your roller than too much paint.

Step 6:
Roll over the stencil with your roller using light to medium pressure. Excessive pressure cause the paint to bleed under the stencil. And remember not to roll over the outside edges of the stencil!!

Step 7:
You can easily check how you’re doing by carefully un-taping and lifting one corner of the stencil and taking a peek. Do you like what you see? Enough pressure or can it use a little more paint? When stenciling lighter colors over darker colors,you may need two coats or more to achieve good coverage. Let the first coat dry and then roll over the stencil again with your paint roller.

by wannapaint_admin | Jan 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
For this project you will need:
- Ready made blackboard
- Black board paint (black)
- Brush
- Craft paint red
- Craft paint beidge
- Craft paint black
- Candle
- Masking tape
- Sanding paper
This is what you do:
Step 1:
Remove the hearts from the board. Use the masking tape to tape of the areas that u not going to paint now.

Step 2:
I started to paint the blacboard area first. Leave to dry thouroughly.

Step 3:
Then mask of the black board area.

Step 4:
Paint the black on the areas you want to distress usually around the edges. Let is dry

Step 5:
Now using the candle cover the black areas with the candle.

Step 6:
Now you can paint the rest of the area with the beidge craft paint. Let is dry and paint another layer.

Step 7:
Now paint the hearts in the same way.

Step 8:
Let all dry thoroughly.

Step 9:
Now using the sanding paper sand the edges softly revealing the black parts.

Step 10:
Assemble your hearts onto the black board and enjoy!!

by wannapaint_admin | Jan 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
How to transfer photo to wood or canvas:
A fun and easy way to transfer your photos to wood or canvas creating unique and handmade gifts or décor. Learn how to transfer photos in just a few easy steps.This is not decoupage and the end result will be surprisingly different. Let me guide you into this unique technique.
What you’ll need:
- Wooden canvas
- Craft paint
- Photo copy of your photo (laser photo copy)
- Paint brush
- Wanna paint photo transfer
- Wanna paint modge podge
- Cloth
Make a photo copy of your photo or image using a laser copier.This is very important to use a laser copier as a inkjet will smear and damage your project and discourage you.I usually make my copy’s at the local copy shop to ensure a good quality paper image. Cut the image according to size.
Paint your wooden canvas with a complimenary colour. This step can be left out if your use a piece of wood with a grain and like the grained wood effect. The picture will show the background that’s why I paint my canvas to compliment my picture. Let dry thourolly.
Step 3:
Paint the canvas and the picture part of your copy a layer of wanna paint photo transfer.
Step 4:
Place the photo face down on the canvas making sure to remove all bubbles and wrinkels. Use the back of your hand or a rubber roller. Remove all excess of transfer medium.Leave to dry for 24 hours!
Step 5:
After 24 hours take a wet cloth and place it onto the picture leaving it a few minutes to soak up the water. Start wipping the white paper parts away with your finger.Make sure to not press to hard.Remove all the white paper.

Step 6: When all paper are removed paint a layer of modge podge over your picture to protect and seal.
Make sure to enjoy every minute!!